Nope, Still Can’t See Any Difference!
!לא, עדין אינני רואה שום הבדל
The project was curated by Ksenia Nazarov & Olga Yerushlamy.
Duck & Dodo Art Group and guest artists present a new exhibition: Nope, Still Can’t See Any Difference!
The exhibition dedicated to all the colors of the LGBTQ+ community, feminism, equal rights and opposition to prejudices, whatever they may be.
We dream about the World in which no one will ever be forced to explain themselves or will feel any need to self-justify in front of any person or society. We believe in a better and equitable future for every person, group or community regardless of gender, sexuality or skin color. Future in which beauty, love and self-expression are unrelated to labels and definitions.
Unfortunately, for now, each time we feel that the people around us are opening their minds ready to accept the differences; the world, in general, is too fixed on the illusion of "Normativity".
In this exhibition, we aspire to demonstrate the gentle beauty in the Diversity. Love is Love; relationships are relationships; in the bottom line, we all desire a little bit of Joy, Happiness and to grow old together.
Duck & Dodo artists: Olga Vayshbein, Olga Yerushalmi, Tatiana Papusheva, Yana Gorelik, Ksenia NazarovGuest artists: Igor Zeiger; Dania Latar, Daria Konshtic, Inna Davidovich, Lena Levin, Brit Bar Natan, Aki Flexer, Ira Krohmal, Aron Kravits, Anna Morein, Tali Retzker, Ksenia Gritsenko, Artyom Kapusta