Monstrosity: inside and out
The project was curated by Ksenia Nazarov & Olga Yerushlamy.
The body of works in Monstrosity: Inside and Out exhibition explores the inner monsters which dwell inside each and every one of us and how they have the capacity to transcend and convert into real life monstrosities. The mixed media, figurative pieces by the group will survey the personal demons that haunt our dreams and corrode our days, facing the fears and complexes which consistently occupy the human mind and emerge from terror and insecurity. However, beauty will pervade as it is the reverse of such demonic human conditions. Perfection and monstrosity are two halves of the same whole; the works produced by Duck & Dodo favour the concept that shadows are needed to define the light of goodness, kindness and tenderness. Above all, fear is needed to discover courage.
Whilst Olga Yerushalmy’s work reveals a wondrous world populated by tender creatures, which she uses as allegories to human emotions and relationships, Yana Gorelik almost obsessively draws the strange in-betweens that comprise The Demons in her own psychological universe. Tatiana Papusheva presents two distinct projects within the exhibition; The Industrial Wings explores the state of mind that transforms places into self-aware beings and a further work, made in collaboration with Anna Morein, brings hidden fears and anxieties to light through a series of monochromatic portraits. Beginning as simple stains, Olga Vayshbein’s elegant monotypes permit the viewer to discover beasts which hide in the dark. Finally, Fallen series by Ksenia Nazarov will navigate an understanding of how constructed insecurities censor a person’s ability to reach fulfilment and content.
Open events during the exhibition:
30.11 Opening 19:00
21.12 Gallery talk & Sketch session 18:00