I have BFA from Bezalel Academy
of Art and Design. In the last
10 years my major interest was
dedicated to genre painting of
casual strangers in public space.
Lately I became newly fascinated
with drawing and dry-point
printing...Read more

I’m an artist and illustrator.
Since I remember myself, I have always had an urge to draw, sculpt and creating. I have graduated graphic design in Tel Aviv University (Machon Academy Technology Holon). In my art I try to cherish the timelessness, to create the dialog of silence, some intimacy between words...
I've started to paint at age of 14, and immediately realized that it is the only thing that I ‘m going to do in my life. After my graduation from Fine Art department of Bezalel Academy in Jerusalem, I've been working as print master and held position of the Head of the Etching department for famous Israeli artists - such as Itzhak Tarkai, Jacob Agam, Anatoly Krasnyansky etc...Read more

I am an artist and book
illustrator. My favourite
techniques are watercolour,
pastel and ink sketching.
Because of my architect
background, and love for
graphic novels, I have three
different lines in my art: first
- landscape painting and
urban sketching, second -
illustration and graphic novel
development and third -
abstract "undiscovered words"...
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I am an artist, illustrator.
My favourite technique is
monochrome monoprint. It's
minimalistic, but at the same
time, extraordinarily rich with
its meaning and perception
of subjects and forms. At the
same time, I love to work with
mixed media, watercolour, and
cold batik techniques...
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